Gallery of numerical simulations


Hypersingular integral equations on Multiscreens

Laplace Neumann problem multiscreen 2D Laplace Neumann problem multiscreen 3D Plane-wave scattering multiscreen 3D

Left: Solution of a 2D Laplace boundary value problem with a normal derivative equal to the vector (1,2) at the cross-shaped boundary. Using the BEM, only the cross-shaped boundary needs to discretized.

Middle: Some isosurfaces of the solution of a 3D Laplace boundary value problem with a normal derivative equal to the vector (1,2,3) at the "bow-tie" shaped boundary.

Right: Plane-wave scattering by a multi-screen in 3D.

Time-harmonic wave scattering by a trapping obstacle

Left: Magnitude |u| of the solution u to a sound-hard plane-wave scattering problem with perfectly matched layer (PML) truncation.

Right: Magnitude |u-uh| of the error in the approximation of u by the FEM. The error is concentrated in the cavity.

Simulations with FreeFem++

Wave propagation in a fractured medium

Fractured mesh wave equation fracture
Left: Fractured mesh, i.e., conforming triangular mesh of the complement of a fracture in 2D.

Right: Finite Element in space/Finite-difference in time numerical solution of a wave problem with Neumann conditions on the fracture and the outer boundary.

Wave scattering by an open curve in dimension 2

integral equations open curves